Thursday 2 February 2012

BAA - Logo

Incorporating the BAA logo into my film was a bit harder than i expected, originally, i was going to have the logo on the back of the nurse's clipboard, but her hand covered most of the back of it, so i decided to try a put it in one of the paintings on the wall, but i scrapped that idea because it was crap. I then had an idea that would have involved the logo sliding down the outside of the window, but this seemed pointless and had nothing to do with the story. So in the end i decided to replace the farmer's patient information on the clipboard with the logo, and basically just chuck it on the floor, implying that the nurse had thrown it in exasperation. I will end the animation with this shot.
I hand drew the logo because it suits the 'handmade' look of all my props, plus i don't have a printer...

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