Monday 22 July 2013

Sexy Beach People

Allow me, for a moment, to regale you with a colourful tale that will probably top your list of tales heard all this week (at the very least, top 5.)

So, I made this head, wasn't entirely sure what to do with it, what kind of body to give it ect. He had a beard, and kinda looked like a viking, so I was sort of leaning towards that angle...

Made the armature, decided at this point he was going to be a big bloke, so I made a styrofoam core to keep him relatively light and give him a basic shape...

Still wasn't entirely sure what clothes to give him, Then a haggard old witch we keep around the house suggested, as a joke, to put him in a Borat mankini, I considered it for the brieftest of moments...


I was indescribably proud of myself, top of the freakin' world even, until suddenly I realised something... 
The poor chap looked lonely, he needed a companion, I tried pairing him with the chihuahua I made a while ago, but it was slightly too big for him, it either made him look too small, or the dog too large for your standard, run of the mill chihuahua that everybody hates...
I wracked my brain for almost eight of the Queen's english minutes, trying desperately to think up a friend for this magnificent beach faring titan, I thought of giving him a schoolchild companion, or a gimp, but those seemed inappropriate...

And then it hit me. It was so obvious, why didn't I see it?

Black afro chick.

 And I gave them both some motherflippin' ice creams!


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